ESTOA AGM ON 28.07.2023
At yesterday’s Annual General Meeting of ESTOA (Exclusive Sustainable Tour Operators Association Uganda), we had many interesting presentations like:
- My Gorilla Family where you can follow a Gorilla family live on your phone
- Aquelle with their range of glass bottles for hotels and lodges and the 18 Liters Bottle for the tour operators in the cars. They will fix a tap for easier handling in the near future.
- Different tree planting initiatives like Bugoma every 5 acre project and ESTOA‘s One Tourist -One Tree – One Forest initiative where we have managed to plant 170 trees since August 2022. This takes place in Bigodi at KAFRED and was managed together with Tinka John who was awarded already many times for his amazing community work.
- UWA and UTB have apreciated that we have created ESTOA and our efforts in making Uganda nore sustainable.
In the end we have revealed our own ESTOA Bamboo bottle which can be bought from us by Tour Operators, Hotels and Associations for their clients. They can be refilled on safari with the big water tanks in the cars.
You see that we try to offer solutions for everyone in the supply chain. And actively reduce plastic waste in Uganda.
No one has to do everything but if each one of us does a a little bit we can change Uganda together.
Get in touch with us under +256 775 554 791 or to learn more about ESTOA and our role in making Uganda more sustainable.